Santa Cruz Sandhills: Endangered, Endemic & Common Species created by the teen students of Sierra Nature Prints Studio 12.5″ x 17″ PSNP7 

Owls of California ~ A pen & ink print of 14 owls native to California. 19” x 13” #PSNP6


California Wildflowers ~ From the pages of Discover California Wildflowers comes a print illustrating 47 of California’s most beautiful wildflowers. Each flower is labeled with its common and Latin name. Several flowers are graced by their pollinators.18” x 24” #PSNP1

Common Cone-bearing Trees of the Sierra Nevada ~ Black pen & ink on white. 12″ x 18″ PSNP10

Common Cone-bearing Trees of the Sierra Nevada ~ Black pen & ink on white. 24″ x 36″ PSNP2


Wild Calypso Orchid ~ Calypso bulbosa

11″ x 24.75″ #LGP02 


Arctic Lupine ~ Lupinus arcticus

11″ x 29″ #LGP03

Wild Nootka Rose ~ Rosa nutkana 

11″ x 29″ #LGP04

Kamchatka Fritillary & Western Dog Violet ~ Fritillaria camschatcensis & Viola adunca

11″ x 29″ #LGP05


Owls of the British Isles ~ A pen & ink print of 7 owls native to the British Isles16.25” x 12.5” #PSNP8

Brown Tadd, Miwok ~ A Portrait of California Wildflowers and Brown Tadd18” x 24” PSNP9

California Poppy Life Cycle ~ A Portrait of California Wildflowers and Brown Tadd18” x 24” PSNP9